Noongar Operations Fund

The Operations Fund holds the funds for the Trustee to distribute to the Central Services Corporation and the six Noongar Regional Corporations to fund their operations.

How does the Trustee support the Noongar Corporations?

The Trustee must support the establishment of the Central Services Corporation and the six Noongar Regional Corporations.

Each of the six Noongar Regional Corporations will be allocated funding each year to meet its basic operating and administrative costs. This will be the reasonably budgeted costs of pursuing its objects and complying with the ILUA.

The Trustee will also fund the Central Services Corporation to deliver Core Services and Regional Services.

How much money goes into the Operations Fund?

The Operations Fund will receive $10 million per year (indexed for inflation) from the Western Australian Government for the first 12 years.

After this 12-year period, funding for the Operations Fund will come from the investment earnings of the Noongar Future Fund.

Funds held in the Operations Fund can only be applied by the Trustee to Central Services Corporation and the six Noongar Regional Corporations.

Distributions of Operations Funding

As part of its yearly budgeting process, the Trustee must determine its Annual Operations Budget that is available to fund the operations of the Central Services Corporation and the six Noongar Regional Corporations for that year.

The allocation will depend on a number of factors, including the Corporation’s needs and proposals, with a minimum of 70% of the total yearly amount allocated to the Operations Fund available for allocation to the six Noongar Regional Corporations.

After the Trustee has determined the allocations to the Operations Fund, the Central Services Corporation and the six Noongar Regional Corporations can apply to the Trustee for operations funding.

The budget for distributions from the Trust must not exceed a level which would compromise the long-term viability of the Future Fund. When considering distributions to individual Noongar Corporations, the Trustee must ensure that core functions associated with sound governance are adequately funded within each Corporation.

Other factors the Trustee will take into account include things like the costs associated with maintaining the Noongar Land Estate within the Indigenous Land Use Agreements Region, joint management activity costs, heritage protection costs, land access activity costs, cultural guide costs, as well as other relevant factors.

The agreed funding for each year will be recorded in a funding agreement between the Noongar Corporation and the Trustee. The Noongar Corporations will report against the funding agreement as per the Funding Guidelines in the Trust Deed.

Noongar Corporations will report against previous budgets, provide evidence of sound budget management, and the demonstration of the capacity of the Corporation to soundly undertake the activities proposed in operational plans. The adequacy of reporting will be relevant when the Trustee considers future funding applications. The Trustee may put payment conditions on the release of funds to the Noongar corporations.

What is the operations funding used for?

The Trustee must only distribute operations funding to a Noongar Corporation if the Noongar Corporation is an Eligible Noongar Entity under the Noongar Boodja Trust Deed, and the Trustee is satisfied that the Noongar Corporation is in a position to deliver its core functions.

On the 29th of June 2022, Perpetual Trustee Company Limited (Perpetual), in its capacity as the first Trustee for the Noongar Boodja Trust, advised the State of Western Australia and the South West Aboriginal Land and Sea Council Aboriginal Corporation (SWALSC) that it had appointed SWALSC as the Central Services Corporation (CSC) under the Noongar Boodja Trust Deed (NBT Deed). This appointment made the CSC an Eligible Noongar Entity and a beneficiary eligible to apply for Operations Funding from the Operations Fund.

Noongar Central Services Corporation Core Functions

Noongar Central Services Corporation Regional Services

Noongar Regional Corporation Core Functions