Noongar Investment Committee
What does the Noongar Investment Committee do?
The Noongar Boodja Trust Investment Committee was appointed by the Trustee on 5 September 2023. The functions of the Committee are defined in the Noongar Boodja Trust Deed as:
(a) reviewing proposals from Investment Managers and providing recommendations and feedback to the Trustee;
(b) reviewing the draft Investment Policy as prepared by the Trustee and providing recommendations and feedback to the Trustee;
(c) assisting the Trustee to review the performance of the investments made by the Trustee against the agreed investment performance benchmarks identified in the Investment Policy;
(d) reviewing the Trustee’s compliance with its investment obligations under the Noongar Boodja Trust Deed, and providing recommendations to the Trustee as to how those obligations may be met;
(e) providing unbiased investment advice and recommendations to the Trustee; and
(f) providing guidance to the Trustee on Property Development Activities; and Housing Land Development Activities.
Who are the members of the Noongar Investment Committee?
Membership of the Noongar Investment Committee is restricted to persons who have demonstrated knowledge and expertise in the areas of investment management and property development. The Investment Committee consists of 7 persons appointed by the Trustee being:
1 representative nominated by the Trustee (who is the chair): Mark Smith
2 Noongar or Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander members recommended by the Noongar Corporations Committee on the recommendation of the Noongar Nominations Committee, having at least 5 years investment or property development expertise or experience: Brendan Moore and Brian Wyborn
4 independent persons nominated by the Trustee on the recommendation of the Nominations Committee comprising:
2 persons that have at least 5 years expertise or experience in significant property transactions: Frank Marra and Tom Oosterhof and
2 persons that have at least 5 years investment expertise or experience in relation to funds under management of greater than $500 million: Paul Taylor and Jonathon Sweeney.
What are the investment requirements for the Noongar Boodja Trust?
The Trust Fund must be invested in accordance with the investment principles in the Noongar Boodja Trust Deed, and an investment policy. The Trustee must establish an Investment Committee to guide the investment process.
The Trustee may only invest the Trust Funds in accordance with the Investment Principles, an Investment Policy (or the Default Investment Policy) and in consultation with the Investment Committee.
The Noongar Community, via the Noongar Corporations Committee, has the opportunity to participate in the design and development of the Investment Policy through the consultation processes mandated by the Deed.
The Investment Principles set out certain matters which must be included in the Investment Policy and also principles specific to the investment of particular assets of the Trust.
Noongar Future Fund investments must have an appropriate asset mix that reflect the long term goals of the Noongar Future Fund.