Noongar Relationship Committee
What is the Noongar Relationship Committee?
The Noongar Relationship Committee is the main connection between the Noongar Corporations and the Noongar Boodja Trust. Its main role is to provide a forum for review of the Trustee’s obligations to the Noongar Corporations under the Trust Deed. It also has a role in the review of the Central Services Corporation’s services to the Regional Corporations, and for discussion about administrative and operational matters of the Noongar Corporations.
Perpetual, as the first Trustee for the Noongar Boodja Trust, is also required to consult with the Noongar Relationship Committee on certain matters relating to the Trust, including:
Accessing the income or capital of the Noongar Future Fund
Allocating proceeds from Development Land property development activities
Appointing representatives on the Nominations Committee
The Trustee’s compliance with the Trust Deed
The Trustee’s dealings with traditional laws and customs relevant to the Noongar Community
Preparing the Trustee Expense Budget
The Code of Conduct and Policies and Procedures Manual for the Trust
Strategic review of the Trust; and
Changes to the Trust Deed.
Who are the members of the Noongar Relationship Committee?
The Trustee is responsible for establishing and maintaining the Noongar Relationship Committee. The committee comprises of up to 17 people, including:
the 14 representatives of the Noongar Corporations Committee (which is convened by the Central Services Corporation and whose members are the 7 Chairs and the 7 CEOs of the 7 Noongar corporations who are the beneficiaries of the Trust); and
3 Directors of the Noongar Advisory Company comprising:
The Trustee nominee director (Pamela Kaye)
1 independent director (Russell Barnett); and
1 Noongar Community Representative (Glen Kelly).