Noongar Nominations Committee
What is the Noongar Nominations Committee?
The Noongar Nominations Committee manages the selection processes for board and committee positions for the Noongar Investment Committee and the Noongar Advisory Company.
The Nominations Committee also has a role in the appointment process for Noongar Corporation directors. People seeking to be candidates for directors for the Noongar Corporations will first be screened by the Nominations Committee to ensure that they meet the eligibility requirements for election.
The Nominations Committee seeks to ensure that candidates are not disqualified under relevant laws, have an established record of sound contribution to the operations of boards and committees, and are of good standing.
In the case of Expert Directors for Noongar Corporations, the Nominations Committee will be looking at similar matters, as well as at the specific expert skills of candidates. The Member Directors of the Noongar Corporations appoint Expert Directors, after reviewing the recommendations from the Nominations Committee.
Who are the members of the Noongar Nominations Committee?
The Noongar Nominations Committee is comprised of six members:
1 Trustee representative (who is the chair);
1 one Noongar person nominated by the Trustee and recommended by the Noongar Advisory Company in place of the Noongar Relationship Committee, who is not be a current director or employee of an Eligible Noongar Entity;
2 representatives of the Noongar Community that have experience with directorships and boards and who are not a current director or employee of an Eligible Noongar Entity; and
2 independent persons who have experience with directorships and boards.
No members of the Noongar Nominations Committee are directors or members of any other Trust committees or corporations, or any Noongar Corporations.