Noongar Advisory Company
What is the Noongar Advisory Company?
The NOONGAR ADVISORY COMPANY LIMITED (ACN 655 903 807) is an Australian Public Company Limited by Guarantee which is wholly owned by the Noongar Boodja Trust. The Noongar Advisory Company was registered on the 8th of December 2021 and has six company directors.
Perpetual, as the initial trustee for the Noongar Boodja Trust, relies on the Noongar Advisory Company for important cultural context and understanding in managing the assets of the Trust.
Perpetual consults with the Noongar Advisory Company on:
managing its relationship with the Noongar people, the Noongar Corporations Committee, the Central Services Corporation, and the Regional Corporations;
fostering mutual respect and cooperation between Perpetual, the Noongar people, the Central Services Corporation, and the six Noongar Regional Corporations; and
Perpetual’s fulfilment of the Trust purpose and terms of the Trust Deed generally.
Who are the Directors of the Noongar Advisory Company?
The Noongar Advisory Company has six company directors:
Two Noongar directors:
Two Independent directors:
One State nominee director:
One Perpetual nominee director.
How the Noongar Advisory Company will transition to become the Dedicated Trustee
The Noongar Advisory Company will work with Perpetual to develop a 12-year plan to build the capacity of the Noongar Advisory Company to become the dedicated Noongar Trustee.
Perpetual works on the delivery of Trust outcomes to support the Central Services Corporation and the six Noongar Regional Corporations. The Noongar Advisory Company works closely with Perpetual in its decision making. Perpetual assists the Noongar Advisory Company with its capacity building.
Perpetual delegates to the Noongar Advisory Company an agreed selection of trust management functions under the Trust Deed and works with Noongar Advisory Company to deliver those functions.
Perpetual delegates to Noongar Advisory Company almost all the trust management functions under the Trust Deed. Perpetual operates in the background to provide feedback and guidance as required by Noongar Advisory Company.
The Noongar Advisory Company becomes the Noongar Trustee and operates on its own.