Noongar Future Fund
The Noongar Future Fund will be protected to grow so that the value of the Future Fund increases to an amount where the income sustains Regional Corporation operations in perpetuity for future Noongar generations.
What is the purpose of the Noongar Future Fund?
The general purpose of the Noongar Future Fund is to grow the capital of the Noongar Future Fund to achieve and then maintain a sustainable Future Fund Capital Base in order that the income of the Noongar Future Fund may be applied towards the Trust Purpose, in perpetuity, including but not limited to the Operations Fund.
How much money goes into the Noongar Future Fund?
The Noongar Future Fund will receive $50 million per year (indexed for inflation) from the Western Australian Government for the first 12 years.
After this 12-year period, funding for the Operations Fund will come from the investment earnings of the Noongar Future Fund.
Funds held in the Noongar Future Fund can only be applied by the Trustee to Central Services Corporation and the six Noongar Regional Corporations.
The Future Fund cannot be accessed by anyone during the first 12 years, except in special circumstances and with particular approvals.
What happens after the WA Government contributions have ended?
When the WA Government’s contributions have finished, 90% of the Future Fund will stay protected - growing for future Noongar generations. This is called the Future Fund Capital Base.
10% of the Future Fund will fund the operations of the Noongar Corporations without spending the Future Fund Capital Base.
The graph below shows an example of the potential growth of the future fund for the first twelve years of the Noongar Boodja Trust. The yellow area is the total of the WA Government contributions, made every year for 12 years, the blue area is the $50 Million contribution made for that year and the red area is the total growth anticipated including investment. This graph illustrates the estimated growth of the Future Fund only, please note the actual growth rates will alter from year to year and may be higher or lower than this illustration.
The ambition for the future fund is to grow to one billion dollars by the end of the first 12 years, but the outcome will depend on a range of factors.
Noongar Future Fund Growth Model